Thursday, February 28, 2013

Response to Tim Challies' Post

I hate writing things like this, because (1) I hate that spiritual and sexual abuse happen in the world, let alone in the church, (2) I don't feel smart enough to engage in debate about ANY topic, and (3) the neo-reformed movement is one big TRIGGER for me personally.

I'm writing a very quick response to this article because I feel I need to speak up for victims of abuse, and against those who (unwittingly) perpetrate it and silence these victims.

My response is this: Mr. Challies, you have unfortunely provided a textbook example of how to use the Bible--via prooftexting--to defend almost ANYTHING.

  • You use John 13:35 to silence dissent
  • You use I Cor 13:7 to tell us to "believe the best" and "hope all things" for SGM (Sovereign Grace Ministries); but not for the victims
  • You use Prov 18:17 (somehow) to tell us we should believe SGM because they "stated their case first" (which I still don't understand)

Your article does not represent the Christianity that I choose to believe. I understand that you probably believe I am NOT a Christian; most of my family identify as neo-reformed believers, so I am familiar with the theology.

That's all. For any who are reading this, please take action and tell Mr. Challies what you think (via twitter). More importantly, let this be a call to take any action you can against spiritual and sexual abuse of any kind, whatever that action looks like in your world.


  1. Thanks Kevin.

    I want to hear more of your story. Hope we can chat someday.

  2. I am really glad you wrote that. Thanks.
